Time : 1 Hour                                       GMDSS GOC – SET 2                                        60 marks
Do not write anything on the question paper. Write your answers only in the answer sheet provided.
Write your name and roll number on the answer sheet on every page.
Mobile phone or any other electronic devices strictly not permitted.
Section – A is objective and Section-B is descriptive type.
Candidates have to score minimum 15 marks in each section and total 36 marks to pass this paper.
In section-A include the correct/most appropriate choice(A,B,C or D) against the respective question.
In section-B answer should be discreet and brief and should be written against the question.

1.      The emission of mode used for RT (voice) operation on MF is
a)      FSK                                              
b)      DSB
c)      ISB
d)     SSB
2.      Ship to ship safety of navigation RT communication on CH 13 VHF uses a
a)      Common calling channel
b)      semi-duplex channel
c)      duplex channel
d)     simplex channel
3.      a set of ITU RT paired frequencies can be described as
a)      simplex
b)     duplex
c)      DSB
d)     SSB
4.      It is important to ventilate a ship’s battery locker to
a)      Reduce risk of explosion
b)      Prevent sulphation on the terminals
c)      Allow oxygen in to the locker to assist charging
d)     Keep the cells top dry
5.      The correct format for an RT urgency call is
a)      PAN PAN (x3) All stations (x3) this is BARUVA (x3) VWBE 432356000
b)      PAN (x3) this BARUVA VWBE 432356000
c)      All station (x3) this is BARUVE (x3) VWBE
d)     SECURITE (x3) All stations (x3) this is BARUVE (x3) VWBE 432356000
6.      The signal SEELONCE FEENEE should only be transmitted by
a)      Any station involved in the distress incident
b)      The port operation station nearest the distress position
c)      The control station to impose silence
d)     The station controlling the distress working

7.      You are in GMDSS sea area A1 and have received a DSC distress alert.
You should
a)      Wait a short period, then acknowledge by RT on CH16
b)      Wait a short period, then acknowledge by DSC on CH 70
c)      Acknowledge immediately by RT on CH 16
d)     Acknowledge immediately by RT on CH 70
8.      Your vessel is in GMDSS area A1, drifting ashore and you required a tow.
You should initially transmit by CH 70 DSC
a)      An all stations Urgency alert
b)      A Distress alert
c)      An all stations safety alert
d)      a Distress relay alert
9.      The main purpose of transmissions on 2174.5 KHz is for
a)      NAVTEX English language broadcasts
b)      Ship to ship RT communications for the safety of navigation
c)      Routine ship to ship telex messages on HF
d)     MF Telex Distress Urgency and Safety messages
10.  General communications on the port operations service are restricted to
a)      Inter ship correspondence (bridge to bridge) only
b)      Maritime safety information broadcast only
c)      RT public correspondence only
d)     Operational handling and movement of ships only
11.  The purpose of ITU
a)      To maximize the number of voice and telex channels available
b)      To minimize the possibility of interference from adjacent channels
c)      To make most efficient use of the radio spectrum by using voice channels rather than telex channels
d)     To make most efficient use of the radio spectrum by using telex channels rather than voice channels
12.  You are in sea area A2 and require medical advice from Humber coast guard.
You should
a)      An urgency alert addressed to Humber coast guard MMSI
b)      An distress alert addressed to Humber coast guard MMSI
c)      A safety alert to all stations
d)     A routine alert to all station

13.  Your vessel is in sea area A1 and you have sighted an unlit buoy.
To warn other ships
a)      A routine alert to all stations
b)     A safety alert to all stations
c)      An urgency alert to all stations
d)     A Distress relay alert
14.  A coast station making a DSC international routine shore-to-ship alert
Transmits on
a)      2177 KHz
b)      2182 KHz
c)      2187.5 KHz
d)     2189.5 KHz
15.  To maintain service ability and availability of GMDSS equipment on board ship
SBM means
a)      A qualified maintainer is carried on board ship
b)     A recognized shore based company is responsible for maintenance
c)      The ship’s GMDSS GOC operator is responsible for maintenance
d)     The ship’s GMDSS equipment is duplicated
16.  A station causing interference with RT communications between another
Ship and a coast station shall
a)      Cease transmission on the first request by the coast station
b)      Change the mode of emission being used
c)      Reduce the transmitter power
d)     Request the mobile station to cease transmission
17.  In routine VHF RT communications between two ships, the controlling station
Is deemed to be the
a)      Nearest coast station
b)      ship with the highest priority of traffic
c)      ship station which initiates the call
d)     ship station that has been called
18.  In the terrestrial radio service, the category with the highest priority is
a)      Request for berthing instructions
b)      Inmarsat – c messages to the owners
c)      RT call to pilot
d)     Gale warning

19.  In the event of a Distress situation, the transmission of a Distress alert
And the message is authorized by
a)      The Master or the person in charge of the vessel
b)      The GMDSS operator
c)      The person responsible for equipments maintenance
d)     The CEO or person in charge of E/R
20.  Prioritization and Pre-emption are the features of
a)      Inmarsat fleet 55
b)     Inmarsat fleet 77
c)      Inmarsat C
d)     Inmarsat B
21.  Your vessel is being called, but you are unsure of the ID of the calling
Station. You must
a)      Reply immediately
b)     Wait for the call to be repeated
c)      Wait one minute, then reply
d)     Wait two minutes, then reply
22.  In the terrestrial radio service, the category with the highest priority is
a)      Weather observation
b)      Telex calls to owners
c)      Urgent message from Master
d)     Message to port control
23.  Service that are available in Fleet 77 are
a)      Telex
b)      Store and forward message
c)      Slow speed fax only
d)     Data and voice communications
24.  Vessel sailing in sea areas A3/A4 must keep continuous watch on MF/HF DSC on
a)      VHF ch 70, 2187.5 KHz, and 2174.5 KHz
b)      VHF ch 70 and 2187.5 KHz
c)      VHF 8414.5 KHz, plus one HF distress frequency
d)     VHF ch 70, 2187.5 KHz, 8414.5 KHz plus one other HF distress frequency
25.  Distress messages sent on SAT-C using the following service
a)      Voice
b)      Store and forward
c)      Real time
d)     E-mail

26.  The ISDN and MPDS data communications facility is available using
a)      Inmarsat – A
b)      Inmarsat – B
c)      Inmarsat – C
d)     Inmarsat fleet 77
27.  The word WAIT indicates
a)      End of transmission when no reply is expected or reuired
b)     Pause for few seconds
c)      Your transmission is received satisfactorily
d)     End of transmission when immediate reply is expected
28.  Communication through the Inmarsat system are by
a)      Ground wave
b)      Combination of Ground wave and sky wave
c)      Sky wave
d)     Space wave
29.  The E.I.R.P of Inmarsat B SES is of :
(a) 23 dbw   (b)14dbw       (c)100dbw      (d) 33 dbw                                                 
30.  Emission designation H3E in telephony means
(a) SSB suppressed carrier      (b) SSB full carrier
   (c) SSB reduced carrier          (d) None of the above
a. what is the common code in NBDP fro requesting medical advice?
b. Give an example of Distress message acknowledgement in NBDP
c. write down the message sent by CRS indicating Distress is over and normal
    working can be resumed in NBDP

= At 1230 UTC

32. your vessel m.v.ROSSANA/R6FD MMSI 600023495 is in sea area A2 in
Position 42 33 N 027 36 W. you have sighted a vessel capsizing 3 NM SSE from your position at 0830 UTC. You have sighted neither received any Distress alert nor
Any Distress relay alert. You also observed  the vessel’s crew abandoning vessel in to two life rafts
State the action that you as Master of your vessel would take
Initial action

Set watch on CH 06 and CH16 to contact survival craft
Send DSC Distress Relay alert to all ships/geographical area on 2187.5 KHz

Follow up
Transmit Distress Relay call and message on 2182 KHz

ALL STATIONS        x   3
This is

Sighted a vessel capsizing 3 NM SSE from my position at 0830 UTC
My position 42 33 N 027 36 W
Require Immediate Assistance
Self proceeding for rescue/investigation
Observed the vessel’s crew abandoning vessel in to two life rafts
Vessels are requested to keep sharp look out and report
If survivors found

33. a. your ship PRAVEENA/ATKZ has received Distress message by NBDP from
PRIYA/ATMD. Write down the signal and the message you would transmit by NBDP to acknowledge the receipt of Distress message.


b. Give an example of the message indicating Distress Traffic has ceased when
transmitted over NBDP by a coast station


=At 1330UTC

34. a. you are on GMDSS vessel M.T.DIAMOND PEARL. You have received a DSC
Distress Alert on 2187.5 KHz. The Distress vessel and you are in the sea area A2
Within MF range of a CRS. State the action you will take

Inform Master. Make a log entry
Set watch on 2182 KHz for voice communication
Wait for a while to allow CRS to acknowledge
If no acknowledgment from CRS, I will acknowledge on voice to distress vessel
If no reply, I will relay alert ashore
I will use DSC to acknowledge after consulting CRS/RCC

35. a. Your INMARSAT FLEET 77 is fully operational and set to operate in the AOR-W
Region with BURUM as the default CES.
a.State the sequence you would use to make a Distress call.
b. State the contents of the Distress message you would inform

 Select Telephone mode
Select Distress priority
Press and hold the Distress button for at least 6 seconds
Select LES – BURUM
Initiate the call by OK button or # key or as per the manufacturer’s instruction

When MRCC comes on line, convey the Distress message

Ship name/call sign/fleet 77 ID/AOR-W
Nature of Distress
Require Immediate Assistance
Any other information which facilitate SAR

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