Time : 1 Hour                                       GMDSS GOC – SET 3                                        60 marks
Do not write anything on the question paper. Write your answers only in the answer sheet provided.
Write your name and roll number on the answer sheet on every page.
Mobile phone or any other electronic devices strictly not permitted.
Section – A is objective and Section-B is descriptive type.
Candidates have to score minimum 15 marks in each section and total 36 marks to pass this paper.
In section-A include the correct/most appropriate choice(A,B,C or D) against the respective question.
In section-B answer should be discreet and brief and should be written against the question

1.      What are the characteristics of reserve source of Energy under GMDSS?
a)      Supplies independent HF and MF installations at the same time
b)      Can not be independent of the propelling power of the ship
c)      Must be incorporated in to the ship’s electrical systems
d)     Must be independent of the ship’s electrical system when the RSE is
Needed to supply power to the GMDSS equipment

2.      Which of the following terms is defined as a back up power source that provides power to radio installations for the purpose of conducting distress and safety communications when the vessel’s main and emergency generators can not?
a)      Reserve source of energy (RSE)
b)      Emergency diesel generator (EDG)
c)      Reserve source of diesel power (RSDP)
d)     Emergency back up generator (EBG)
3.      Under GMDSS a compulsory VHF DSC radio telephone installation must be tested
At what minimum intervals at sea
a)      Daily
b)      Annually
c)      At the annual solas inspection
d)     Monthly
4.      Testing of compulsory radiotelephone station should be done
a)      In to artificial antenna
b)      May be accomplished by using the radiotelephone for normal business
c)      On 2182 KHz and must be heard clearly under normal conditions at the range of 150 nautical miles
5.      DSC controllers have a facility that allows the unit to be routinely tested without the associated transmitter being activated. The unit should be tested while underway at least
a)      Once a week
b)     Once a day
c)      Twice a week
d)     Once a month
6.      At sea, all required equipment (other than survival craft equipment) must be proven
Operational by
a)      Daily testing
b)     By either a or c
c)      Operational use of the equipment
d)     testing at least every 48 hours
7.      The best way to test MF-HF-NBDP system is
a)      Make a telephone call to a coast station
b)      Initiate an ARQ call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working
c)      Initiate an FEC call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working
d)     Initiate an ARQ call to a coast station and wait for the automatic
Exchange to answerback
8.      The best way to test the Inmarsat-c terminal is
a)      Send a message to a shore terminal and wait for confirmation
b)     Compose and send a brief message to your own Inmarsat –c terminal
c)      Send a message to another ship terminal
d)     If the send light flashes, proper operation has been confirmed
9.      A vessel certified for sea area A3 is required to maintain watch on
a)      VHF ch 70
b)      MF frequency 2187.5 KHz
c)      HF on 8414.5 KHz and one other HF DSC frequency
d)     All the above
10.  What are the mandatory DSC watch keeping ban/channels?
a)      VHF ch70, 2 MHz DSC, 6 MHz DSC and one another HF DSC
b)      2 MHZ MF DSC, 8 MHz DSC, VHF ch 16 and one another HF DSC
c)      8 MHz HF DSC, one other HF DSC, 2 MHz MF DSC and VHF ch 70
d)     None of the above
11.  Proper watch keeping includes the following
a)      All required frequencies are monitored in the proper mode
b)      After silencing an alarm all displays and/or printout are read
c)      Notifying the Master of any distress alerts
d)     All of the above
12.  Proper watch keeping includes the following
a)      Understanding the GMDSS console’s normal operational indicators
b)      Maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log
c)      Responding to and comprehending alarms
d)     All of the above

13.  Which of the following statement is true?
a)      GMDSS radio logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected with the radio communications service that appear to be importance to the safety of life at sea
b)      All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS log book
c)      Both of the above
d)     None of the above
14.  Which of the following statement is true?
a)      Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS radio log book
Under any circumstances
b)      Urgent communications do not be entered in the GMDSS radio log book
c)      Both of the above
d)     None of the above
15.  Which of the followings log keeping statement is true?
a)      Entries relating to pre voyage, pre departure and daily tests are required
b)     Both a and c
c)      All distress, urgent and safety communications must be logged
d)     Routine daily MF-HF and Inmarsat –c transmissions do not have to be logged
16.  What would the number 2340 indicate
a)      A ship MMSI number
b)      A coast station MMSI number
c)      A coast station selcall number
d)     A ship station selcall number
17.  Which of the following steps should be taken, if possible when the vessel
Must be abandoned because of a distress situation
a)      Alert the Indian Coast Guard by using survival craft portable Inmarsat unit
b)      Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel location and situation
c)      Place the SART and EPIRB in the ON position and secure them to the
Survival craft
d)     No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly
18.   Which action is most appropriate for a GMDSS radio operator to take in a distress
Situation where immediate evacuation is needed, but the vessel is not sinking nor needs to be abandoned
a)      Switch off EPIRB and SART manually
b)     Transmit distress calls by HF/MF/VHF DSC or Inmarsat
c)      Notify the RCC (rescue coordination centre) through VHF FM on channel 13
d)     Transmit distress call by activating the radio telegraph automatic alarm signal

19.  DSC is used primarily to
a)      Receive weather warnings navigational notices and other marine safety
b)      Provide routine communications with the ship owner
c)      Transmit and receive distress, urgent and safety alerts to and from
Other ships and shore stations
d)     Report ship’s position to search and rescue authorities via satellite
20.  Which statement is true regarding distress communications under GMDSS?
a)      Distress communications by NBDP be in ARQ mode when in communication
With the coast guard or other coast station
b)      The Rescue Coordination Center is responsible for controlling the search
and rescue operation and will also coordinate the distress traffic relating to the incident
c)      The RCC may appoint another station to coordinate distress traffic relating to the incident
d)     All of the above
21.  What indication is given to the personnel survival craft of the approach of another vessel?
a)      The SART will provide  a visual and audible indication of interrogation by a 3 cm Radar
b)      The satellite EPIRB will emit an audible signal
c)      The VHF portable radio will emit an audible alarm signal on 156.525 MHz
d)     The VHF portable radio will provide a visual indication
22.  How can a SART effective range be maximized?
a)      The SART should be placed in water immediately upon activation
b)     The SART should be held as high as possible
c)      Switch the SART in to the high power position
d)     If possible, the SART should be mounted horizontally so that its signal
Matches that of the searching radar signal
23.  In a lifeboat or life raft, what is a method of maximizing the effectiveness
Of an SART
a)      Place the SART in to the sea as soon as possible to begin transmitting
b)     Hold or mount the unit as high as possible
c)      Extend the length of the transmitting antenna
d)     Replace the internal battery with the AC power adapter

24.  At what point does a SART begin transmitting?
a)      It immediately begins radiating when placed in the ON position
b)      It must be manually activated
c)      If it is placed in the ON position, it will respond when it has been interrogated by 9 GHz radar signal
d)     If it is placed in the ON position, it will begin transmitting immediately upon
Detecting that it is in water
25.       A "TRANSCEIVER" is an equipment comprising
(a) transmitter and transformer   (b) transformer and transducer
(c) transducer and receiver          (d) transmitter and a receiver
26 .The device used to combine the information signals from the microphone or the telex with the Radio Frequency carrier is called
(a) Coder     (b) Modulator     (c) Detector    (d) decoder
27.       AGC is used to combat the effect of
(a) Fading     (b) distortion       (c) Clipping     (d) attenuation
28.       During day you can communicate between Deity and Chennai on 16 MHz. The frequency to be used during night is
(a) 16 MHz   (b) 8 MHz           (c) 2 MHz       (d) 22 MHz
29.       An element capable of radiating and intercepting radio waves is called
(a) Transmitter    (b) CES          (c) CRS          (d) antenna
30.       If two electric bulbs of 40W and 60W connected to 230V supply, are used for 10 hours,
the total energy consumed is
(a) 1 Unit        (b) 10 Units      (c) 100 Units   (d) 24 Units


1.      Your vessel STRIDER JUNO/WVUT MMSI 623495000 is in sea area A2 in
Position 42 North 027 36 West. You have sighted a vessel capsizing 3 NM
SSE of your position at 0830 UTC. You have neither received any Distress
Alert or any Distress Relay alert. You also observed the vessel’s crew
Abandoning the vessel in to two life rafts. State the action that you as a Master
Of your vessel would take
Repeated question (Distress Relay)

2.      A) Your Inmarsat B is fully operational and set to operate in the IOR with default
CES as Eik Norway. Your vessel is in Distress. State the procedures you would use to send a Distress alert by Telephone.

Select Telephone mode
Press and hold the Distress button for at least 5 seconds
Initiate the call by # key

b) Give an example of the Distress message you would transmit (assume
all necessary details)

            MAYDAY    x   3
This is
17 00 N 081 00 E
Require Immediate Assistance
Heavy swell
Thick fog

3.      Your ship MT.GARGI/VWDG is in sea area A1. You have received DSC Distress alert on VHF CH 70. You are a fully loaded tanker. State the correct procedure to be followed

Inform Master. Make a log entry
Set watch on CH16 for voice communication
Wait for a while to allow CRS to acknowledge
If no acknowledgement from CRS, I will acknowledge on CH 16
If no response, I will relay alert ashore

4.      Your vessel CORAJE/CXJR presently in position 17 25 N 069 53 E is towing an
Oil rig to Mumbai port. Your course 093 Deg and speed is 15 KTS.

a)      What type of message you would transmit?
b)      Give an example of R/T call you should make
SECURITE     x   3
All stations       x   3
This is
CORAJE/CXJR/419876000     x   3    (SHIP NAME SPOKEN 3 TIMES)
c)      Give an example of the message you should transmit by Radio Telephony
Navigational warning at 1230 UTC
Towing oil rig to Mumbai
My position 17 25 N 069 53 E
Course 035 DEG speed 12 KTS
Dangerous to Navigation
Mariners are cautioned

5.      Your vessel m.v.BALT ORIENT/WXAP MMSI 452311890. You are in sea area
A2 and your vessel is Disabled and Adrift and leading to ground.

            Initial action
            Send DSC Distress alert on 2187.5 KHz

            Follow up
            Transmit Distress call and Distress message on 2182 KHz

            MAYDAY  x  3
            THIS IS
            BALT ORIENT/WXAP/452311890   x  3 (SHIP NAME SPOKEN 3 TIMES)

            BALT ORIENT/WXAP/452311890
            17 00 N 081 00 E
            Vessel disabled and drift and leading ground
Require Immediate Assistance
Thick fog

(Disabled and Adrift – comes under DISTRES
Require Tow assistance – if these words are found,
Then it comes under – URGENCY)

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